Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Pi Camera


 install python picamera

#To record video or stills using pi camera

import picamera
import time

camera =  picamera.PiCamera()

#To invert image
camera.vflip = True

#To record  stills

#To record vide0


Thursday, December 12, 2019

Railton Pub

Owner Robbie is a lovely bloke. He has camping out back and a 5 dollar for 5 minute hot shower. Beautiful old building.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Incredibly fast flowing river full of snags. If you fell in it would be curtains.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Ulverstone River Oysters

The boat ramp has quite a tide and at ebb the flats expose tiny oysters. When the sun is shining the water sparks.

These chaps sat with the motor in the drink and spinning away under the starter for minutes. Never fired once.  "She hasn't been started in a long time". I went back half an hour later, the trailer was parked and the boat nowhere to be seen.