Sunday, May 31, 2020

Solar Panels Installed.

1.5 kW of panels installed. Overkill on the solar perhaps but it barely suffices in overcast locations. Jn Melbourne on a Partly Cloudy day in June the Controller is Metering 1 - 2 kWh/day. This is not really enough to run anything but rather just stops the batteries running flat. 

Update : Note the woefully inadequate mounting hardware on the solar panel roof fasteners. The rearmost offside panel has been replaced where that one panel flew off. More brackets were added to fasten down the inboard section. (Not shown) ..

240w-250w panels - about 1650mmx1000mm

Replacing missing panel and reinforcing the mounting hardware on the rest.

Elektor Six Digit Nixie Clock (150189-71)

Ref : Elektor.

       : Incredible (I mean REALLY) CRT and Nixie clocks.     

I built the clock and made one stupid mistake. I failed to ensure the nixies were snugly seated on the back board before soldering them. They are a little bit cock eyed. To fix them would require some really serious custom building of esoteric soldering hardware and the risk of damaging the nixies.

"Perfection is the Enemy of Good Enough. " we concluded. 

Interior Views

 Work bench.

Top Right partially built control box for

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Lord is my Park Ranger

I don't look to the Earth Sciences to cast light upon Grey's "Elegy" or Kipling's "Recessional" nor would I go to ancient scrolls for questions of  Geochronology. The story of Jonah isn't a proto wildlife documentary. Science and thinking like a Scientist has only been a part of human culture for a couple of hundred years.

Science and Poetry deal in different notions of time and veracity. They are two completely different tools we use to perform two completely distinct tasks.

The Bible is a divinely inspired text from the dawn of modern human ethical consciousness, attested to by many individuals from many times and cultures. Theologians like Thomas Aquinas and St Augustine have provided guidance concerning apparent inconsistencies and temporal knots arising from what we in the 20th Century might call the "Science VS Religion" debate. A hypothetical showdown between Batman and Anne of Green Gables would give rise to a far more coherent, and likely far more interesting, contest of ideas.

I don't acknowledge that such a "debate" can even arise from the under pinning axioms of either sphere of human endeavour. .

I found this image this morning and I liked it, probably for the opposite reasons Young Earth Creationists do.

Jesus .... yup .... Dinosaur .... hhhmm sure. Whats not to like ? 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Ultrasonic Water Level / Temp / Humidity Sensor

Project will measure the level of water in my 300 Litre tank and the Temp Humidity in the Boltonwagen. 



AM2302 DHT22 Temperature And Humidity Sensor Module For Arduino SCM


Electrical properties:
Operating voltage: DC 5V
Total current work: 40mA
Acoustic emission frequency: 40khz
Farthest distance: 4.5m
Blind: 25cm

Resolution: about 0.5cm
Angle: 70 degrees
Working temperature: -10 ~ 70 ℃
Storage temperature: -20 ~ 80 ℃


+ 5V (positive power supply)                  RD
Trig (control side) RX                D 11     WH
Echo (the receiver) TX               D 12     GY
GND (negative)                                       BLK

Principle of Operation:

(1) using IO port TRIG trigger location, to the high level signal of at least 10us;
(2) module automatically sends 8 40KHz pulse, automatic detecting whether a signal return;
(3) a signal return, a high level is output through the IO port ECHO, the time duration of the high level is
ultrasonic from launch to return. The test distance = (high level time * speed of sound (340M/S)) /2;

Software & Refs :

Library for  Ultrasonic Sensor

Tank Dimensions:

W 2109 x D  185 x H 770 (Measured Dimension)   300 Litres


/* How to use the DHT-22 sensor with Arduino uno
 Project will measure the level of water in my 300 Litre tank and Temperature and humidity.
   More info:
   Dev: Michalis Vasilakis // Date: 1/7/2015 //

 Mark Bolton
 7 September 2018

 Two sketches are combined.   //water   and  //temp


#include <dht.h>        //temp
#include <NewPing.h>      //water
#include <MedianFilter.h>
#include <Wire.h>

#define TRIGGER_PIN  12  // Arduino pin tied to trigger pin on the ultrasonic sensor.
#define ECHO_PIN     11  // Arduino pin tied to echo pin on the ultrasonic sensor.
#define MAX_DISTANCE 800 // Maximum distance we want to ping for (in centimeters). Maximum sensor distance is rated at 400-500cm.

dht DHT;

#define DHT22_PIN 8     // DHT 22  (AM2302) - what pin we're connected to

float hum;  //Stores humidity value
float temp; //Stores temperature value

int tank_Depth = 18;                    // Tank Depth (cm)
int tank_Width = 211;                   // Tank Width (cm)
//int US_ROUNDTRIP_CM;                  // Tank Height (cm) from sensor.
int water_Volume;                       // Amount of water in the tank. (Litres)

NewPing sonar(TRIGGER_PIN, ECHO_PIN, MAX_DISTANCE); // NewPing setup of pins and maximum distance.

MedianFilter filter(31,0);

void setup()

void loop()
    int chk = DHT.read22(DHT22_PIN);
  //Read data and store it to variables hum and temp
    hum = DHT.humidity;
    temp= DHT.temperature;

  delay(100);                          // Wait 50ms between pings (about 20 pings/sec). 29ms should be the shortest delay between pings.
  unsigned int o,uS =;   // Send ping, get ping time in microseconds (uS).;
  o = filter.out();
  //Print temp and humidity values to serial monitor
  Serial.print("Hum: ");
  Serial.print(" %, Temp: ");
  Serial.print(" C. ");

  //Print level and Volume to monitor
  Serial.print("Level: ");
  Serial.print( o / US_ROUNDTRIP_CM);
/* Convert ping time to distance in cm and print result (0 = outside set distance range)*/

/* calculate volume .001 to convert to Litres / cm. * D * W * H (77) - distance from surface of the water to the sensor. */
  water_Volume = 0.001 * tank_Depth * tank_Width *  77 - o / US_ROUNDTRIP_CM;
  Serial.print(" Vol: ");
  Serial.print(" L");

// CSV file
  Serial.print("  ");
  Serial.print( o / US_ROUNDTRIP_CM);


Problem. dht.h not a valid library. I removed all DHT Libraries and reinstalled the  zip file included in the tutorial.

I built a replica Prototype Unit to clean up the code and get some more sensors and setup a proper Python controller in the Pi but none of the Sketches would verify. I cant identify the issue but clearly it is a problem with the Libraries. The best approach under these circumstances is to go back to scratch and set up the system again.

Fixed. Just gradually rebuilt the other few libraries and now the Water Level Sketch works too.

BUT : Pulled the unit to bits (for unrelated reasons) and will revisit later... 

Might want to double check the formula on the  Height to Volume calculation.

The Heater Fuel Sender needs monitoring as well.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


A week of sub zero mornings. We are still under "lockdown".

Friday, May 1, 2020

Neon Indicators.

Fault : One one Neon in each of the three panels lit up. The actual one moved a few times. Likely only enough current was flowing to light one neon after which there wasn't sufficient current to keep the voltage above the strike voltage. I must have miscalculated the resistances erring on the high side.  I wonder if the variation in the current draw / strike voltage is such that there is a limit to the number that can be run off a single dropper resistor? Might have to break each segment into separate zones?
Recalculate : Each indicator uses 0.2 mA so at 240 - 80 = 160  volt :

4 = 24 indicators or 5mA 32 k Ohm

2 = 25

0 = 33 or 6 mA or 27 k Ohm

240 = 32

at about 1.0 watts or about 4 1/4 watt resistors... might have to mount them artfully on the circuit board to get it done. I don't want to go shopping for 3 resistors. 

Each indicator uses 0.2 mA so at 240  volt :

4 = 24 indicators or 5mA 48 k Ohm

2 = 25

0 = 33 or 6 mA or 40 k Ohm

240 = 32

at about 1.5 watts or about 8 1/4 watt resistors... might have to mount them artfully on the circuit board to get it done. I don't want to go shopping for 3 resistors.  

There will need to be a 330 Ohm resistor in the GPO where the wiring comes from as a fuse in case of a short.