openHAB Documentation

Ref :

Ref :

Ref : Youtube Channel BK Hobbies


Download openHABian  .img.xy

Image Writer send Image to SD Card.

Fire up in Ethernet connected Pi  and wait for autosetup to complete.


(Use text editor to setup Wi Fi in openhabian.conf in the SD card boot partition before you install it in the Pi so autosetup has internet access.)

Fault : April 4 Did autosetup 3 times and got a system error each time. failed install.

Fix : I run sudo openhabian-config, then option 3 - install stable " and it’s up and running.

Notes : First time i setup openHAB I used the reconfiguration install since the whole process seemed daunting. After this it just work so I concentrate on the sitemaps.   I wanted to set up the OS so as I could use the pi for other things like monitoring voltages etc.  This work around amounts to a separate install on a Linux machine so I need to experiment with doing a manual install.

Checking IPs on network

from router  :     pass e..........wif

Fixed IP : 

(Not sure that this is setup - router doesn't seem to reassign IPs anyway )
Using the TL-MR3420 Manual C 8.4 Bind the MAC and IP. This serves an unchanging IP with DHCP.

SSH into the Pi :

mark@mark-HP-15-Notebook-PC:~$ ssh openhabian@


Follow the prompts to generate a new passkey. 

pass openhabian

Run openHABian setup and configuration tool for openHAB sudo openhabian-config: (Should work without this  step .... ? Timezone and Password and update.)

Configure  from Paper UI :

Web Interface

*GPIO Binding - GPIO Binding binding-gpio1 - 1.13.0
*NPT Binding

GPIO Hardware layout.

Relay Board 1

GND                  GRN

GPIO 26 - IN1   BLU

GPIO 19 - IN2   PUR

GPIO 13 - IN3   GRY

GPIO   6 - IN4   WH

VCC                   RED

Relay Board 2

GND                   GRN

GPIO   5  - IN1   BLU

GPIO   9  - IN2   PUR

GPIO  22 - IN3   GRY

GPIO  27 - IN4   WH

VCC                    RED


Items and Sitemap



Text Editor

SUDO NANO is good for getting it going.

I setup Visual Studio Code with the openHAB extension.

Fault : I still havent got SVC working properly with SAMBA.

I couldn't get it to connect directly by entering in a host IP.

Instead I accessed the files using SAMBA and opened them from my remote Computer using Visual Studio Code.  

to setup the password in VSC

It will Save provided I browse with file manager to Open - it will only Save at the last Save as location .

Parent Folder : smb://openhab.local/openhab-conf/sitemaps


I have built a new Raspberry pi / relay box and will mod the existing openHab to run the new wiring layout.  Meantime I will prototype I will probably have two SD cards in operation alternately.

The Epever Controller  has available  RS 485 / WI FI  and runs modbus.

  1.  GPIO ....... 8 ......... Reading Light (normally on) 
  2.  GPIO ....... 10 ......... Galley (normally on) 
  3.  GPIO ....... 12 ........ Pantry (normally on) 
  4.  GPIO ....... 16 .......... Function (normally off) 
  5.  GPIO ....... 18 ........ Function (normally off) 
  6.  GPIO ....... 22 .......... Function (normally off) 
  7.  GPIO ....... 24 .......... Function (normally off) 
  8.  GPIO ....... 26 .......... Function (normally off) 
  9.  GPIO .......  32 .......... Function (normally off) 
  10.  GPIO ....... 36 .......... Function (normally off) 
  11.  GPIO .......  38 .......... Function (normally off) 
  12.  GPIO ....... 40 .......... Outside Lights (normally off)

//June 11 2020

sitemap home label="Uberboltonwagen Zwei"

// Light Switching June 11 2020
Frame label="Lights"
Switch item=channel1 label="Reading"
Switch item=channel2 label="Food Prep"
Switch item=channel3 label="Pantry"
Switch item=channel4 label="TBA"
Switch item=channel5 label="TBA"
Switch item=channel6 label="TBA"
Switch item=channel7 label="TBA"
Switch item=channel8 label="TBA"
Switch item=channel9 label="Frontspace"
Switch item=channel10 label="Bathroom"
Switch item=channel11 label="Bed Space"
Switch item=channel13 label="Outside"

// Date and Time June 11 2020

Frame label="Date"
Text item=Date

//Light Switching June 11 2020

Switch channel1 "Channel 1" { gpio="pin:8 activelow:no" }
Switch channel2 "Channel 2" { gpio="pin:10 activelow:no" }
Switch channel3 "Channel 3" { gpio="pin:12 activelow:no"}
Switch channel4 "Channel 4" { gpio="pin:16 activelow:yes"}
Switch channel5 "Channel 5" { gpio="pin:18 activelow:yes" }
Switch channel6 "Channel 6" { gpio="pin:22 activelow:yes" }
Switch channel7 "Channel 7" { gpio="pin:24 activelow:yes"}
Switch channel8 "Channel 8" { gpio="pin:26 activelow:yes"}
Switch channel9 "Channel 9" { gpio="pin:32 activelow:yes" }
Switch channel10 "Channel 10" { gpio="pin:36 activelow:yes" }
Switch channel11 "Channel 11" { gpio="pin:38 activelow:yes"}
Switch channel12 "Channel 12" { gpio="pin:40 activelow:yes"}

//Date and Time 3 April 2020

DateTime Date "[%1$tH:%1$tM : %1$tA, %1$tB %1$td, %1$tY]" 
{ channel="ntp:ntp:local:dateTime" }