Sunday, December 6, 2020

Truck Service / Clutch Servo Repair.

International N - 1630 AKA Nissan UD

kM = 73,988

CMA 86H 00138 

6YS 311

 Engine FD6T 5654  cm^3

Fault : Batteries arent holding charge.

They are about 5 years Old and have been dead flat a cuppla times. Probably time to replace. 


Fault : No Clutch.

Symptoms : Depress clutch pedal to engage point meets no resistance. Sudden rush of air and pedal kicks back up till near full excursion. Can repeat with no change of symptoms. 

Removed  Servo Unit and the Piston Shuttle  actuator was jammed hard at full actuation.

Solution - Replace unit. Clean and lube Original for spare ? Nah .. ditch it.

New assembly ordered.

Servo / Boost Unit  looks very similar to


 Ph: 02 4388-4994

Note the hose in the above photo. It was broken in the failure unit. It runs from some sort of vent in the hydraulic system to the boot on the piston driven by the pneumatic ram.  My guess is that it drizzles brake fluid into the bellows to keep the seals in the bore lubricated / prevent corrosion.

Banjo fitting in the hydraulic side leaks.  

Proper copper washers didnt seal ?? !! 

1 x O dia 23 mm. inner 15 mm 

1 x O dia 23 mm.  inner. 12 mm 

Had Aluminum washers machined up and fitted . Really seriously torqued to eliminate leaks.  This doesn't make sense.


Still not getting pressure on the clutch pedal. Brake fluid wont deliver any pressure to slave unit.

 Ordered new Master Cylinder.

Fitted - Bled . 

Fault fixed.  - That sucked..... That . Really . Sucked. 

And just to add a little piquancy - during the 3 weeks it took me to effect that repair the truck was slowly sinking into the ground. 








Fuel filler - Stolen 

14200.003 FUEL CAP SCREW ON FE6 FM6 NPR NPS      60MM ???  SKU: 14200.003-

No longer available. The current part looks exactly the same but has a 60 mm thread.  

Can get correct part # from Brettstruck. Probably have to find a wreaker -  or steal one from someone else.  :-(

2mm pitch. 51.5 mms dia.

Oil capacity  15 litres   - DONE.
FILTER  Donaldson P550073 
Fuel Filter Fleetguard FF5114

152 Coonawarra Rd, Winnellie, NT 0820, Australia

08 8947 1627





12 Travers St, Coconut Grove
0812 N.T


Phone: 08 89927703

Saturday, December 5, 2020


 Setup account on Swyftx.

Must have 3 forms of ID. 

Must have  phone conversation to very Gold Status to effect a withdrawal .. Today is Sunday.  Without this the Bitcoin must remain on the Exchange. Apparently.



You are scheduled with Matthew Baker.

KYC Lvl 0 Call

1:00pm - 1:15pm, Tuesday, December 8, 2020
A calendar invitation has been sent to your email address.


Deposited token funds.

Must use Bank Pay Anyone.

Setup Electrum Wallet. 

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Logitech Unifying Receiver / Linux Solaar.

Logitech Unifying for Linux: Reverse Engineering and unpairing tool

Fault. - It stopped working... 

The reciever registers but the devices wont.

I have bought a;

Logitech K780 Multi-Device Wireless Keyboard

Logitech MX Anywhere 2S Wireless Mouse 

 Logitech Unifying Receiver  /

Install using Discover Software. Setup using GUI - Extremely Easy. 


Meat Flying.

 Since VH - LAG went skyward on it's own the whole thing has been eating at me. A bit like I didnt want to think about Sport Aviation since Alan Hayes got killed the idea of "having another crack " was a hit big of a biltong to chew. 

Rather than kit up and start building again. I can taste the sense of desperation and deja vu. Be like jail rather than good fun..  Be the so called "repeat offender" but without having earned the first sentence.

Maybe  buy a modest RV - 6 ? The ones that come up for sale with all the OCD bullshit (heated leather seats) tend to be stupid prices but a simple honest VFR one might be had for circa $50k. 

To actually own and fly the aircraft rather than spend thousands of hours in a shed staring at it. 

The RV - 6 would be usable to do my BFR in and for a friend to use as Ab Initio Trainer. I wouldn't trust it to a hefalump student pilot but to fly a 152 / Tomahawk then and RV -  6 would be a duplication of work and the lessons learned in one would be a hindrance in the next.  Anyone with a normal level of finese should be able to do it. 

Where to find an instructor? Vale Alan Hayes.

Perhaps after a cupplla hundred hours in it I might be bored with the whole idea and the thousand hours in the workshop is time I have already done / will never get back. Much and all as I would like to live forever...

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Romans 1:20


"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:"

Was just thinking about a person I know who has deeply disappointed me and I can't figure out what drove them to it.

What started me was pondering on the stat that Literacy is about 54 percent in Australia. What defines Literacy I am not sure.  

I postulate Literacy is a proxy for a wider cognitive approach to epistemology.

First Voice : "There are a lot of smart arses out there who think they are clever with all their Science and Art and Literature and Engineering. I have never been able to understand that stuff and can't see what the attraction is. I learned a bit of Science at University but was relieved when exams were over and I barely scraped through.  I still trade on what I barely understood in 1956. 

I fill my day with a multitude of little jobs like gardening and making sure the kitchen is tidy. At the end of the day I feel a sense of satisfaction that my tasks are complete.

 If i were locked in a prison cell for a week I would have to be scraped off the walls by day 2"

Second Voice : "There are a lot of smart arses out there who ARE clever with all their Science and Art and Literature and Engineering. I have never been able to understand that stuff except for glimmers enough to grasp the wonder of what these people have done and it takes me a fair bit of study to even get that far. I thank the Lord that there are such extraordinary people on the planet for me to marvel at.

I am able to replicate extremely modest simulacra of these feats by dilligence. Have built a machine. I have performed a spoken piece. I have learned some slice of History. It isnt much but it is the best the Lord has chosen to endow me with.  I treasure the gift of communication that allows me to vicariously live through their joy.

If I were locked in a prison cell for a week I would use such visions of excellence to compile a narrative of Heros and Mysteries and Adventures in my mind." 

An incident stuck in my mind, I didn't register at the time but I was holding forth about what an incredible man Richard Feynman was. Getting quite animated, I was. At the conclusion of my enthusiastic monologue this individual sneered at me and pointedly made some comment about the state of the garden to change the subject and salvage the embarrassing situation.  Bring things back down to earth where they belong.

I also noticed that the only real value placed on others, was the extent to which they made this individual look good.

Is it possible that some of us love to read and explore and to thrive on the extrnal life in its myriad intricacies and mysteries.

Perhaps we are almost like vampires that seek to fill the intrinsic emptiness that is the human condition, with the inexhaustible life blood that comprises the Universe? 

Friday, November 6, 2020

ESP32 Temperature and Humidity Webserver



Finally got some action here. 

Used a very hygenic and time consuming approach in getting the Arduino IDE to tame out. I had a typo in the path of the damn thing and couldn't seem to get rid of it. It kept on bringing up dud links on the launcher and I decided to burn the OS install just to be sure of ironing out the kinks. Brutal but effective and ultimately a pragmatic use of time. 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Bush Stone-curlew

Bush Stone-curlew

Burhinus grallarius

Where I was recently (Northern Australia - Darwin) the Stone Bush Curlew fills the night with his ghostly cries. The Aboriginals have it that these birds will steal your soul with their wailing. It is not my imagination that these creatures are closing in on me. Their habitat is being destroyed all around the block where I am parked and they seem to be moving closer for refuge. They haven't stolen my soul yet (so far as I can ascertain) perhaps they don't want it? It hasn't proven much utility for me so far either I must admit.


Monday, September 28, 2020

Boeing B-52 Stratofortress

 I have full access to a non flying B - 52. Am thinking about a virtual tour of the aircraft internally with voice over. I am on top of the audio production and voice over. I have a reasonable camera. I will probably figure out how best to present the photos on a web based visual display. Getting information on the crew number and roles will be interesting part of the research. The sort of audience I would be pitching to is a reasonably engaged museum visitor minimum up to a highly engaged history student. Ideas welcome.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Roper River

26 c / 80 F but shady. The bush has a distinctive peppery / lemony / eucalyptus smell. The water in the spring is a little cooler than body temperature so it isn't stifling and you can paddle about all day. The floor of the pool is alluvial gravel and the water is sparkling clear.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Mt Isa.



Duck Lice is particularly horrifying. A type of schistosomiasis apparently. Shudder. 

Friday, August 21, 2020

Cloncurry Saleyards

Got chatting to a pair of cow cockies unloading a truck. What great pair of blokes! They took me through and showed me the process of unloading the cattle, weighing and penning them.  It is 10 years ago since last I was in Cloncurry, chasing copper. The then Labor Government got spooked by a expose video showing cattle being mistreated in Indonesia and slapped an instant ban on all live cattle exports. 

Local farmers were not happy.

Just this week a class action against the government has been concluded just half of a half Billion dollars. Farmers copped it then - taxpayers cop it now. The then Prime Minister is currently sharing notes with the current Shadow American Vice President in how to play the "vagina card" if ever criticized. 

Our Jules is doing quite nicely thank you very much.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Cloncurry Area

Timed the bread maker to be baking a fresh loaf when the sun is overhead. Beer in the Engels fridge. Local beef is the best. Those are Termite hills by the way.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Saturday, August 15, 2020