Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Solar PV System


two by controllers.


Australian Irradiance Data BOM

Sun Path Chart University of Oregon

Tuitional :

Jim Pytel youtoob

Will run the numbers once I have a chance to gather some data.  

 I have the system finalised now. Time to start the documentation. Big job. 


4 x C 145 deep cycle wet cells. 6 volt 260 Ah. Specifications. Right Hand side. Only 2 shown.

6 x UXL220-2FR  Spec Sheet . 2 volt 220 Ah Left Hand side.

The YUASA set is configured as a second 12 volt system and is running the diesel heater.. it will be configured as a backup lighting supply.

These are a premium UPS battery with a design life of 15 years. They are AGM design and are no where designated as "deep cycle". They have a maximum charge rate of .1C

Monday, February 8, 2021

Airplane Wrecks .. (and some)

 Nothing quite says "Memento Mori" quite liked wreaked planes.
