Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Truck Remodel - Wiring.

Main Switch Panel

Circuits : 

Battery Power Source 24 Volt

Lights - 12 volt

Electronics - Pis and Nixie clock 13.8 Volt to battery / UPS



Forgot about  the Diesel Heater. 



Thursday, September 5, 2024

Experimenting with Magnet links ..

 John Finnimore .. 

What Is My IP?

My Public IPv4:

My Public IPv6:

Not Detected

My IP Location:

Amsterdam, NH NL

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Problem Accessing Telstra Router Via My Router .. FIXED - Saved Config.

Reset TL-MR3420 to Factory Defaults

  1. Perform a factory reset on the TL-MR3420.
  2. Reconfigure the TL-MR3420 from scratch:
    • Set a unique IP address.
    • Disable DHCP.
    • Configure WDS for bridging.
  3. Save the settings and reboot.

Option 3: Set a Static IP on Your Computer

  1. Assign a static IP to your computer to avoid conflicts with the TL-MR3420.
  2. Access the TL-MR3420’s admin interface and change its IP address.
  3. Revert your computer’s IP settings to DHCP.

Next Steps:

  1. Choose one of the options to resolve the IP conflict.
  2. Follow the steps based on the chosen option to configure the TL-MR3420 correctly.
  3. Verify that the TL-MR3420 connects to TelstraBB47D9 and provides internet access through Ethernet.


5. Disable DHCP on TL-MR3420

    Go to Network Settings > LAN Settings on the TL-MR3420.
    Change the IP address of the TL-MR3420 to a free IP within your main router's range (e.g., if it’s not taken).
    Disable the DHCP server on the TL-MR3420. This will ensure that the main router handles all IP assignments.

6. Save and Reboot the Router

    Save the settings and reboot the TL-MR3420 router.

7. Test the Connection

    Once the TL-MR3420 reboots, it should be connected to your Wi-Fi network (TelstraBB47D9).
    Your computer, connected via ethernet to the TL-MR3420, should now be able to access the internet through this router.


    By enabling WDS, the TL-MR3420 will connect wirelessly to your Telstra Wi-Fi network and act as a bridge.
    Disabling DHCP on the TL-MR3420 allows the main Telstra router to handle IP assignments, meaning devices connected to the TL-MR3420 will be part of the same network as those connected directly to the Telstra Wi-Fi.

This setup will allow your computer, connected to the TL-MR3420 via ethernet, to access the internet through the Wi-Fi network, just like if it were connected wirelessly.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Smart Switch TYWB 4CH 7-32V RF

 Tuya Smart has an app for iPhone.

Set up an account.


Device QR XQDD-01700B41

Wont work fails traceroute on

Still to resolve issue of Telstra and Router on same IP .. need to swith router to xx.0.2

Tried again and it worked › manual › 3445860 › Flexradio-Mhcozy-Tywb-4ch.html

Try to get Google Home to work. Install App on iPhone. 


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Helen Back ? no Helen Mucus

 You said:
Yes I have been reading about docker and was wondering if docker was a way of getting around what i believe is colloquially called "Dependency Hell"    can you give me more an arm's length philosophical apraisal of where we are now ?  
ChatGPT said:

Certainly! Let's take a step back and consider the situation from a broader perspective.
Where We Are Now:

You've been working on setting up Mycroft, a voice assistant, on your system. The process has hit a significant roadblock due to an issue with the distutils module, a Python standard library component that seems to be missing or misconfigured in your environment. Despite trying multiple Python versions, virtual environments, and manual fixes, the problem persists, leading to what is often referred to as "Dependency Hell."
Understanding "Dependency Hell":

"Dependency Hell" is a term used to describe the situation where software dependencies—libraries or packages that your software relies on—become difficult to manage. This can happen for several reasons:

    Conflicting Dependencies: Different applications require different versions of the same library, and the system can't satisfy both requirements simultaneously.
    Missing Dependencies: A required library or package is missing or not correctly installed, causing the application to fail.
    Incompatible Environments: The software might work in one environment but not in another, often due to subtle differences in configurations, library versions, or even operating system versions.

Why This Happens:

In the context of modern software development, dependencies are often managed through package managers (e.g., pip for Python, apt for Ubuntu). While these tools simplify the process of installing and managing dependencies, they can also introduce complexity, especially when different tools or packages require specific versions of the same dependency. When these tools fail to resolve conflicts or correctly install packages, you end up in Dependency Hell.
Docker: A Way Out of Dependency Hell?

Docker is a tool designed to address exactly these kinds of problems by using containerization. Containers are lightweight, portable environments that package an application and all its dependencies together. This means:

    Isolation: Each container runs in its own isolated environment, so the dependencies of one application do not affect others.
    Consistency: Containers are highly reproducible. You can run the same container on different machines, and it will behave exactly the same way.
    Portability: Containers can run on any system that supports Docker, regardless of underlying configurations.

By using Docker, you effectively sidestep many of the issues associated with Dependency Hell. Instead of worrying about which version of Python or which libraries are installed on your system, you can run Mycroft inside a Docker container that has everything it needs pre-packaged.
Philosophical Take:

From a philosophical standpoint, the situation you're facing is a microcosm of a broader tension in software development: the desire for simplicity and ease of use versus the inherent complexity of modern software ecosystems. Tools like Docker represent a paradigm shift, where instead of trying to manage complexity directly (by carefully installing the right versions of dependencies), you encapsulate that complexity inside a container, making it someone else's problem—or, more accurately, making it no longer your problem.

However, Docker is not a panacea. It introduces its own complexities, such as the need to learn and manage containerization concepts. But in exchange, it offers a powerful way to mitigate many of the issues that arise from complex dependency chains and environmental differences.
Where to Go from Here:

Given the persistent issues with the current installation, exploring Docker as a solution is a logical next step. It aligns with the broader trend in software development towards containerization and offers a robust solution to the problems you've been encountering.

If you’re interested, I can guide you through setting up Mycroft using Docker, which should avoid the dependency issues we've faced so far.

How does that sound?

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 I  Clonezilla - ed the Drive but when i went to test it in the BIOS I couldnt get F2 or F10 to boot into BIOS. 

I am using a Bluetooth Keyboard - will I need a a wired keyboard ? 


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Fresh Linux Instal


Tidied up pass words. Got rid of lots of unused ones. 

Got wi fi to find iphone and telstra in that order.  

COULDNT get bluetooth audio to connect automaticly. 

Renistally firefox on phone and synced with Linux.

took Time stamp

Installed Google Chrome-

Didnt work ... 

 refreshed  Time stamp

nemo was broken  .. fixed using broken filter on software manager 

Installed Google Chrome - worked 

Installed PIA  - didnt snag the user name - I signed in using e mail address. 

Took Time stamp ...

Day 2 

Install Telegram  -Software manager - NO says flatpack regires 3.6 gig ?? What !  

Use the zip file.  - NO 

Installed on Phone and Web App Desktop. 

Install GPaste 


Download Clonezilla copied to red usb. 

Missing login to keyring on start chrome 

F2 wont enter bios - likely not getting drivers - bluetooth - probalby needs a hard wired KBD

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

LAN / NAS and Projector

Keyboard :  Dell KM7321W Premier Multi-Device Wireless Keyboard and Mouse

Home projector. Philips NPX442/INT

USB Dongle ... Huawei E3372h - 603

I have the USB dongle working plugged into the NUC but it wont  work in the router. Another one on order  - probably wont work.


Router ............ TL - MR3420


Wednesday, June 12, 2024



Re Narration

Translation from Movies. 

Installed pyGPT

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Batteries... the 24 volt Lead Acid replaced by LiFePO4.

24V EVE 230Ah 5.89kWh LiFePO4 Battery Pack Kit with Smart BMS

is installed and Running.

Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up Your Daly BMS with LiFePO4 Oz

 Fault : I had a flood which shut down the BMS. After it was dried out it worked again ..  I blew up the 24 to 12 volt module probably by having 12 volt on the line but zero on the 24.   Not fail safe - Beware.

The BMS also "forgets" the SOC and thinks it is 100 percent once it comes back up.

Recalibration is :          Cell Characteristics > SCO Set to 50 percent. 

Charge till 28 volts. (Not 28.6 - too high can be set         Protection parameters >sum volt high protect).

SCO Set to 100Percent.  

BMS Software           Can run on Wine (wouldnt using Synaptic) or on Google / Apps Linux

Stack Compression?   No One thinks this is necessary.

 Some assert the pile should be restrained with threaded Rod or springs .. the kits supplier thinks it is unnecessary.  If it were i would expect to see a spec in the Operating section.  The Compression Spec is in the destructive batch testing section.

The construction of the battery pack will need to be researched. There needs to be some rigidity / compression in the pack because according to some,  failing this the battery packs will swell during charge and this deformation will damage them.

Compression Testing Spec  

Ref Page 19

Gives the dimensions of a test rig and then specifies the maximum pressure (swelling) the cell should exert to pass the test.  I doesnt seem to refer to the design of a working battery pack. 



Friday, May 17, 2024

Truck body work

 S&S Industries

Spray inside rust converter  .... 

Cut back 


Cold Galv ... 

I tried to use Aluminum speed tape but it was useless. Here is a Gorrilla 4 inch Waterproof tape (expensive) being used as a temporary measure to keep the Coppers from putting a Yellow Sticker (canary) on the Truck. 

The gum in the Gorrila tape is really sticky .. it will take some getting off. In retrospect I would have been better to go straight to the Fiberglass stage.  I have been driving around with the Gorilla tape for a fortnight. The truck was looking very shabby - Cop Bait.

Getting some filler and paint  on it is the next step. Choosing the paint and how to prep the existing crappy paint ... The entire cab is looking a bit forlorn.


Gonna get some new license plates too. The Old ones are faded and obviously from the 80s. 

The butyl adhesive is sticky as can be. It will be hard to remove. DONT DO  THIS .. Cover the remaining adhesive with adhesive remover or paint thinner, such as Toulene. Will try prepsol.

Friday, May 10, 2024


 Setting up a modest voice recording rig. 


Audacity Audio Hosting.