Thursday, December 9, 2021
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Bangood Sensors
KY-026 IR flame sensor - SKUA60847
Laser Receiver Module - SKU 114338
DS18B20 DC 5V Digital Temperature Sensor Module - SKU134751
5V 30A ACS712 Ranging Current - SKU089867
DC 12V Delay Relay Shield NE555 Timer - stk0152002490
3Meters Waterproof Temperature Sensor Probe For DS18B20 DS1820 Detector
CCS811 HDC1080 CO2 temperature and humidity VOCs air quality sensorboardmodut8
ESP8266 10A 220V Network Relay WIFI Module Input DC 7V~30V
With ESP8266 Wifi module,4-layers board design.
Input overvoltage protection, input with TVS, when voltage exceeds 33V, automatic protection will operate.
Input overcurrent protection.
220V 10A relay, one normally open, one normally closed.
One way optocoupler isolation input, TVS input protection.
High-current terminals.
One output status indicator, one input status indicator.
More safe with relays PCB pin anti-climb design.
Access control server via TCP CLIENT mode
Via HTTP protocol control
Input voltage :DC 7-30V
Board dimension:65mm × 40mm × 20mm
Package including:
1* ESP8266 220V 10A Network Relay WIFI Module
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
All the projects just worked out of the tin for the CAMs from the above supplier. The earlier ones wouldnt up load from what looked like power sag.
Friday, August 20, 2021
Home Automation - Pi Hub
I was very happy with the centralized Pi based Smart Truck / openHAB architecture.
Alas leaky roofs and monsoons were too much for the system and I have been using paleolithic switches to turn my lights on and off.
I am planning a system that uses a headless Pi and remotely located ESPxx communicating using MQTT and node red.
It should be far more flexible. Involve a lot less copper and be much more tractable when it comes to custom applications. I dont care how pretty the UI is.
"And so ... (to coin a phrase) lets get started."
I started with a fresh install of Kubuntu 21.04. Ubuntu had been buggy and annoying whereas last time used Kubuntu it seemed a lot less cluttered. I want this project to be focused slow and thorough. The roof still leaks so the ceiling project must proceed accordingly but the electronics can be deployed prior.
Kunbuntu is being a bit naughty.
Connection is buggy - speed is fine but it keeps dropping out Deactivating and asking for the password. The password doesn't have to be reentered. Just click through. Going to try a slow Torrent to see if it is a workaround. Transmission isnt used in Kubuntu. Ktorrent is the client. It looks good but I haven't used it before.
Arduino IDE wont launch. Not just me apparently - reports of this from IDE 2.0. I dont know what version Discovery installs.
Ktorrent wont launch. Ktorrent did launch as the application for the Kubuntu LTS download and I throttle it back to 100kBps (10 hour d/l) to see if the Network will stay active. So far so good after half an hour.
Build a Developer's Linux Workstation - Complete Guide
I will build this on the NUC.
error: /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-141-generic has invalid signature.
error: you need to load the kernel first.
On attempt boot from USB.
Disable Secure Boot.
Press F2 during boot to enter BIOS Setup.
Turned off secure boot Boot menu. - now displays Ubuntu Menu and them screen goes blank and activity on USB for a few seconds then hangs.
Will go on to boot off openSUS if the boot order is changed in the BIOS.
Ubuntu install just wouldn't. I chucked in the Kubuntu USB and it installed hitchless. I didnt opt for secure boot or third party software since this is supposed to be a strapped down development install.
So crazy so soon?

On my switch panel I am using the Jaycar SK0955 switch which I thought was SPDT and hence would have cause shorting problems trying to parallel it with the relay to give an OR type switching. I measured it and it wont. I should have read the maker's sheet. I have used a stupidly huge number of spades to get the wiring I needed. Mainly because I want to be able to disconnect each light separately. I will probably have to solder onto the tongues of the switches to get the relay tidily into the circuit.
Downloaded Raspbery Pi OS Lite ( fmrly Raspbian).
Wont instal Etcher - Make Startup Disk should work.
sabled by default.
Scanned IPs;
Ping: 38 ms
Hostname: HP.local
Ports: [n/a]
Ping: 0 ms
Hostname: NUC
Ports: [n/a]
Ping: 2 ms
Hostname: raspberrypi.local
Ports: [n/a]
Enable SSH - created a ssh file in the boot sector of the SD card.
Enable WiFi.
Hardware :
Relay Board
GND Brown
GPIO 4 - IN1 Pin 4
GPIO 17 - IN2 6
GPIO 27 - IN3 7
GPIO 22 - IN4 8
GPIO 9 - IN5 11
GPIO 5 - IN6 15
GPIO 6 - IN7 16
GPIO 13 - IN8 17
Node Red Installed
Add Node to Reboot / Shutdown
npm install node-red-contrib-rpi-shutdown
Add DHT22 Node
Fault ; The above method didnt give a temperature ... The output was "undefined" .. I removed the filter msg.payload = msg.temperature node and it worked. I lost interest trying to get the entire string ouput from the Pi. Dont want to get too far down in the weeds.
Thursday, August 19, 2021
USB Power Modules - Fault

Saturday, July 31, 2021
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Solar PV System
two by controllers.
Australian Irradiance Data BOM
Sun Path Chart University of Oregon
Tuitional :
Jim Pytel youtoob
Will run the numbers once I have a chance to gather some data.
I have the system finalised now. Time to start the documentation. Big job.
4 x C 145 deep cycle wet cells. 6 volt 260 Ah. Specifications. Right Hand side. Only 2 shown.
These are a premium UPS battery with a design life of 15 years. They are AGM design and are no where designated as "deep cycle". They have a maximum charge rate of .1C
Monday, February 8, 2021
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Rewiring Truck.
This time I am wiring it up using toggle switches initially.
I will attempt to use two or more ESP32 / Relay combos to "Smart" the system as plug in modules.
Th speaker system also needs replacing. Blue tooth was annoying at times but mostly very stable. I will likely use the module with the 3.5 mm phono from the back of the monitor so as not to need bluetooth at all.
Still waiting on components from Banggood as is usual with them.