I was very happy with the centralized Pi based Smart Truck / openHAB architecture.
Alas leaky roofs and monsoons were too much for the system and I have been using paleolithic switches to turn my lights on and off.
I am planning a system that uses a headless Pi and remotely located ESPxx communicating using MQTT and node red.
It should be far more flexible. Involve a lot less copper and be much more tractable when it comes to custom applications. I dont care how pretty the UI is.
"And so ... (to coin a phrase) lets get started."
I started with a fresh install of Kubuntu 21.04. Ubuntu had been buggy and annoying whereas last time used Kubuntu it seemed a lot less cluttered. I want this project to be focused slow and thorough. The roof still leaks so the ceiling project must proceed accordingly but the electronics can be deployed prior.
Kunbuntu is being a bit naughty.
Connection is buggy - speed is fine but it keeps dropping out Deactivating and asking for the password. The password doesn't have to be reentered. Just click through. Going to try a slow Torrent to see if it is a workaround. Transmission isnt used in Kubuntu. Ktorrent is the client. It looks good but I haven't used it before.
Arduino IDE wont launch. Not just me apparently - reports of this from IDE 2.0. I dont know what version Discovery installs.
Ktorrent wont launch. Ktorrent did launch as the application for the Kubuntu LTS download and I throttle it back to 100kBps (10 hour d/l) to see if the Network will stay active. So far so good after half an hour.
Build a Developer's Linux Workstation - Complete Guide
I will build this on the NUC.
error: /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-141-generic has invalid signature.
error: you need to load the kernel first.
On attempt boot from USB.
Disable Secure Boot.
Press F2 during boot to enter BIOS Setup.
Turned off secure boot Boot menu. - now displays Ubuntu Menu and them screen goes blank and activity on USB for a few seconds then hangs.
Will go on to boot off openSUS if the boot order is changed in the BIOS.
Ubuntu install just wouldn't. I chucked in the Kubuntu USB and it installed hitchless. I didnt opt for secure boot or third party software since this is supposed to be a strapped down development install.
So crazy so soon?

On my switch panel I am using the Jaycar SK0955 switch which I thought was SPDT and hence would have cause shorting problems trying to parallel it with the relay to give an OR type switching. I measured it and it wont. I should have read the maker's sheet. I have used a stupidly huge number of spades to get the wiring I needed. Mainly because I want to be able to disconnect each light separately. I will probably have to solder onto the tongues of the switches to get the relay tidily into the circuit.
Downloaded Raspbery Pi OS Lite ( fmrly Raspbian).
Wont instal Etcher - Make Startup Disk should work.
sabled by default.
Scanned IPs;
Ping: 38 ms
Hostname: HP.local
Ports: [n/a]
Ping: 0 ms
Hostname: NUC
Ports: [n/a]
Ping: 2 ms
Hostname: raspberrypi.local
Ports: [n/a]
Enable SSH - created a ssh file in the boot sector of the SD card.
Enable WiFi.
Hardware :
Relay Board
GND Brown
GPIO 4 - IN1 Pin 4
GPIO 17 - IN2 6
GPIO 27 - IN3 7
GPIO 22 - IN4 8
GPIO 9 - IN5 11
GPIO 5 - IN6 15
GPIO 6 - IN7 16
GPIO 13 - IN8 17
Node Red Installed
Add Node to Reboot / Shutdown
npm install node-red-contrib-rpi-shutdown
Add DHT22 Node
Fault ; The above method didnt give a temperature ... The output was "undefined" .. I removed the filter msg.payload = msg.temperature node and it worked. I lost interest trying to get the entire string ouput from the Pi. Dont want to get too far down in the weeds.
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