Monday, March 21, 2016

Kaysey Chambers at the Mundaring Weir Tavern

Caught at Mundaring Weir Hotel. That Blues number you did ? "I ain’t no little girl"!  The one that started with a hint of Torch Song then flipped the table and just went off!!! Amazing. ...Didn't leave us men "scared" as you suggested... merely stunned (as I shouted out ) at such artistic integrity of the performance. To dare to invoke, then carry on to harness such raw emotional a crowning bush fire or a derailing train screaming metal. To pump in such absolute raw energy and still keep it under control. All the filigree and texture, the calligraphy of voice and artistry in amongst that maelstrom of fire and ice. That is what distinguishes the Diva from the belter. I have heard such performances very rarely. Kasey you are amazing !! ~blows a massive Kissssss~

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Ironbark Brewery - Swan Valley

A new business has opened next door which does the most amazing clean crisp ciders. Apple Mango Lemon ..lots of others. It is all cold crushed and has absolutely no dark palate.

This makes the whole complex into a great destination. It has fine dining at the restaurant. Great atmosphere at the Ironbark as well as awesome pizza and a la carte. The fish is really special. Now the cidery. Wonderful lush lawns and shady seating areas.